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What Are The 10 Most Common Electrical Problems In The Office?

What are the signs your office has electric problems?

Look out for signs your office has electric problems to ensure you and your employees are safe from harm. Many of these signs indicate you have faulty wiring, an electrical hazard, outdated electrics, or a circuit overload with too many appliances operating at once.

Some indicators of problematic office electrical problems include:

  • Strange odours coming from your outlets
  • Dimming or flickering lights
  • Sparking machines when you plug them in
  • Frequently blown fuses and tripped breakers
  • Power outages affecting company work

A commercial electrician from Haley Electrical Services is your answer to resolving any of these issues.

What are the common electrical problems faced at the office?

Office electrical problems can interrupt your day and cause an uncomfortable work environment. They can be dangerous to everyone in the office. Many electricians in Essex have seen and learned the best ways to resolve these issues. 

Some problems may include:

  • Circuit overload – Many office electric issues are due to many units plugged into the same power strip or area, causing an overload. An office may have too many cords, wires, and devices trying to operate simultaneously. 
  • Faulty or old electrics – Your appliances or electrical system may need an upgrade to operate better and safer. 
  • Tripped breakers – Tripped breakers and blown fuses pause, stop, or delay while trying to prevent a circuit overload. 
  • Power outages – You may need to expand or upgrade your electrics if you experience frequent power outages. An experienced electrician can fix the circuit and wiring issues likely causing them.
  • Operation of heavy-duty appliances (such as copy machines and printers) – Appliances that draw a lot of power from the same circuit result in breaker tripping. You may need better electrics to handle the usage or relocate heavy-use appliances in the office.

Why should you hire a commercial electrician to fix office electrical problems?

A commercial electrician has the tools, time, and experience to understand the ways to best address office electrical issues. Haley Electrical Services has a team of experienced electricians who can assess your electrical wiring.

We have worked in many commercial buildings. We will send a licensed electrician to examine your circuit breaker. Our trained team will make your electrics as safe and productive as possible.

A professional electrician can advise your office on ways to avoid electrical hazards with your appliances. The average person may not understand how their office’s electric use can be dangerous. So, consulting a professional electrician is the safest route possible to avoiding future electric issues.

Commercial electricians have also observed and fixed many office electric issues. They understand how to fix the most common problems.

Professionals show up on time, prepared, and equipped with safety and code regulation knowledge. A DIY fix puts your company and employees at risk, with no guarantee of the quality of work. Electrical shock due to a negligent employer is a serious and dangerous situation.

Haley Electrical Services has some of the top electricians in Essex. We can help you with your office electrical maintenance problems. We have:

  • Dedication to helping Essex by providing electrical safety, security, and effective operation
  • Extensive and up-to-date electrical knowledge of the UK regulations and standards
  • Fair and affordable pricing for commercial electrical services
  • Constant communication, availability, and easy to contact

Many businesses have contracted us in their time of need. We can get your office up and running again, improving your business’s wellbeing, safety, and productivity. 

Call Haley Electrical Services at 0330 281 598 and see how we can address your office electrical problems!